An opinionated set of files and configurations usefull to enforce coding best practices and uniformity in .NET 8 projects
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Category Archives: C#
ASP.NET 5 Quality Assurance coding rules and best practices
Posted on by Federico Coletto
An opinionated set of files and configurations usefull to enforce coding best practices and uniformity in ASP.NET 5 projects
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2 stars.
0 open issues.
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.NET 6 Quality Assurance coding rules and best practices
Posted on by Federico Coletto
An opinionated set of files and configurations usefull to enforce coding best practices and uniformity in .NET 6 projects
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0 open issues.
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Change Impact Analyzer
Posted on by Federico Coletto

A set of tools to facilitate the execution of a "Change Impact Analysis" in a complex, multi-layered application
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0 open issues.
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.NET 5 Quality Assurance coding rules and best practices
Posted on by Federico Coletto
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0 open issues.
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ASP.NET 6 Quality Assurance coding rules and best practices
Posted on by Federico Coletto
An opinionated set of files and configurations usefull to enforce coding best practices and uniformity in ASP.NET 6 projects
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1 stars.
0 open issues.
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Dogma Solutions Roslyn Analyzers
Posted on by Federico Coletto

A set of Roslyn Analyzer aimed to enforce some design good practices and code quality (QA) rules.
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1 stars.
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